
Output Correction `cast rpc anvil_impersonateAccount $LUCKY_USER`

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The output when running cast rpc anvil_impersonateAccount $LUCKY_USER within Forking Mainnet with Cast and Anvil
is not reflective of the actual output. Albeit a minimal difference, may be confusing to new user.

Suggesting a change from:

# This calls Anvil and lets us impersonate our lucky user
$ cast rpc anvil_impersonateAccount $LUCKY_USER
$ cast send $DAI \
--from $LUCKY_USER \
  "transfer(address,uint256)(bool)" \
  $ALICE \
  300000000000000000000000 \
blockHash               0xbf31c45f6935a0714bb4f709b5e3850ab0cc2f8bffe895fefb653d154e0aa062
blockNumber             15052891

to the following:

# This calls Anvil and lets us impersonate our lucky user
$ cast rpc anvil_impersonateAccount $LUCKY_USER
$ cast send $DAI \
--from $LUCKY_USER \
  "transfer(address,uint256)(bool)" \
  $ALICE \
  300000000000000000000000 \
blockHash               0xbf31c45f6935a0714bb4f709b5e3850ab0cc2f8bffe895fefb653d154e0aa062
blockNumber             15052891