
Feature request: rolling initative on the combat tracker to ask for kind of initiative

Opened this issue · 11 comments

when you are rolling for intitiative via the combat tracker i think it should pop up with a selection box of what kinda of intitative to use. it would speed up initative for players.

I very much like this idea, it's something I wish I had sometimes, but I would also argue that such an option should be a toggle on the settings, because some groups will almost never use other skills and it would be a net waste of time.

maybe an intelligent thing would be for dms to have a toggle that pops up for dms to ask them if they want to ask players for the right skill for initiative. and if they dont want something other than perception then they bypass this notification.

reonZ commented

I was looking into how to implement it into the system, but i am not sure how to design-wise, the problem is the shift and ctrl keys are already taken for the modifier dialog and the secret roll respectively.

Should it show a popup every time a initiative is initiated from the combat tracker ? Of course, there could be a client setting enabling/disabling it all together that each player could change but this feature would still be used very occasionally regardless, it is not often that a non-perception initiative roll is done, so having a way to trigger the choice on those occasions would be the best and the choice should be done before the modifier dialog shows up obviously.

If you have any design idea, i would like to ear them and see what i can do about it. It should definitely not be an extra hindrance to the user, because of the very low frequency of use and also because there is already two ways to use another roll as initiative in the system (from the character sheet or from a chat skill roll card).

I was looking into how to implement it into the system, but i am not sure how to design-wise, the problem is the shift and ctrl keys are already taken for the modifier dialog and the secret roll respectively.

Should it show a popup every time a initiative is initiated from the combat tracker ? Of course, there could be a client setting enabling/disabling it all together that each player could change but this feature would still be used very occasionally regardless, it is not often that a non-perception initiative roll is done, so having a way to trigger the choice on those occasions would be the best and the choice should be done before the modifier dialog shows up obviously.

If you have any design idea, i would like to ear them and see what i can do about it. It should definitely not be an extra hindrance to the user, because of the very low frequency of use and also because there is already two ways to use another roll as initiative in the system (from the character sheet or from a chat skill roll card).

i think it should pop up for the GM each time. when they click on start combat in the combat tracker. asking the gm " do you need your players to roll other than perception?" if no ask for players to roll for initiative automatically under the presumption of just using perception + the modifier box.

if yes.

pop up asks to change from perception per player to a drop down menu of their respective skill they are asked to use. then modifier box.

obviously this can be enabled/disabled in the settings menu for gms who dont do it that much. but i currently have a gm that uses situational awarness and changes initiative based on the situation. i.e being stealthy needing stealth. and it could be that some players need different initiative rolls than others. so i think my suggested solution would be preferable. as im spending like 2 to 3 minutes trying to make sure the correct initiative is used everytime im asked. since this is apart of how the system works in pf2. it would be nice to streamline it in this way.

Could the modifier dialog be fed the information that it's an initiative roll? If so, it could have a dropdown box to select a skill, maybe?

Could the modifier dialog be fed the information that it's an initiative roll? If so, it could have a dropdown box to select a skill, maybe?

thats also another solution but even if it was just that i would like the intiative pop up for all players regardless of the skill check to streamline initative calls.

reonZ commented

i think it should pop up for the GM each time. when they click on start combat in the combat tracker. asking the gm " do you need your players to roll other than perception?" if no ask for players to roll for initiative automatically under the presumption of just using perception + the modifier box.

if yes.

pop up asks to change from perception per player to a drop down menu of their respective skill they are asked to use. then modifier box.

I don't see this working, combats can be prepared in advance, some player characters could join the combat after the fact, this solution is way to specific in my opinion.

Also there is no reason to show a popup to everybody when there could possibly be only one player needing it. This should be a client side feature like almost everything in the system.

And this feature should also be available to the GM for the monsters/npcs.

Could the modifier dialog be fed the information that it's an initiative roll? If so, it could have a dropdown box to select a skill, maybe?

This is something i will probably look into.

i think it should pop up for the GM each time. when they click on start combat in the combat tracker. asking the gm " do you need your players to roll other than perception?" if no ask for players to roll for initiative automatically under the presumption of just using perception + the modifier box.
if yes.
pop up asks to change from perception per player to a drop down menu of their respective skill they are asked to use. then modifier box.

I don't see this working, combats can be prepared in advance, some player characters could join the combat after the fact, this solution is way to specific in my opinion.

Also there is no reason to show a popup to everybody when there could possibly be only one player needing it. This should be a client side feature like almost everything in the system.

And this feature should also be available to the GM for the monsters/npcs.

Could the modifier dialog be fed the information that it's an initiative roll? If so, it could have a dropdown box to select a skill, maybe?

This is something i will probably look into.

after playing a bit more as a player i think adding the selection box of skills to the roll menu when its a combat initiative would be a neat fix i wouldnt mind that.

reonZ commented

I have looked a bit into it and have met some issues with that solution, sadly all the details related to the skill check are done prior to the modifiers window popping up, and the part of the code that take care of it is not reusable.

So it would require a substantial refactoring that i am not comfortable with right now.

that is a shame if i could help i would as this would streamline the process of different intiatives as per the game system

i hope this gets looked into :)