
Converts style attributes to classes in plots/svg files generated by matplotlib, and attaches a prefix to ids to make them unique across files.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Converts style attributes to classes in plots/svg files generated by matplotlib, and attaches a prefix to ids to make them unique across files.

Example usage


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from svgplot import savefig

# Do some plotting
x = np.arange(10)
y = x*x
plt.plot(x, y)

# Set save location (this can also be a string)
image = Path("~/Pictures/image.svg").expanduser()

# Save to file
# id is optional; defaults to 8-character [a-Z0-9] string
savefig(plt, image, id="image")


from svgplot import minify

# Set load location (this can also be a string)
# Image will have the suffix -min added to the name,
# so `image.png` will become `image-min.png`.
image = Path("~/Pictures/image.svg").expanduser()

# Save to file
# id is optional; defaults to 8-character [a-Z0-9] string
minify(image, id="image")

Note that this is not idempotent. Running minify multiple times on the same file will insert uids multiple times.


There are four steps used inside savefig and minify (excluding load/save)

# Convert style-attributes to classes

# Strip redundant whitespace, e.g. " a  b c  " -> "a b c"

# Remove xlink namespace (deprecated in svg2)

# Insert id into existing ids, e.g. "#DejaVuSans-1" -> "#DejaVuSans-uid-1"


This is best seen in the source code in the StyleMap class. E.g. style="stroke-width: 0.8" is converted to class="thin". This is not stable and may be updated to include a prefix to indicate what is thin, e.g. sl-thin.