
Animation speed controls are crashing

IpIvanov opened this issue · 2 comments

When trying to adjust the animation speed through animation speed controls the box is crashing and closes with exception into the studio bundle.

I've tried everything to prevent this behavior but it keeps happening. I am using "@unfolded/map-sdk": "^1.13.0".
Do you have any suggestions on how should I prevent this crash relating to the null (reading 'getBoundingClientRect')?

image image

Hi, and thanks for reporting this!

  • Would it be possible to get dataset(s) and/or map config that could be used to reproduce this behavior? (you can also reach out more privately on our community Slack:
  • From the looks of it, you should be able to reproduce the same issue in regular Studio ( -- can you confirm if this is the case?

Hi, thanks for the response!

Now it is working. Maybe you have changed some selector on the shadow-root side.

Issue is resolved.