
Primary LanguageC++

Camera OV7670 via arduino


This project make photo using Arduino Uno andOV7670 model and send it into Serial port.
It's possible to configure image properties in file src/ExampleUart.cpp
To get images fill in the firmware into Arduino Uno and afterwards run read_img_from_serial.py


  • Power supply
    • 3.3V -> 3.3V
    • GND -> GND
  • Camera Control Bus (SCCB) - I2C interface
    • SIOC -> A5 (with 10k pull-up resistors)
    • SIOD -> A4 (with 10k pull-up resistors)
  • Camera settings
    • Reset -> 3.3V (Reset Signal. Active low.)
    • PWDN -> GND (Power Down Mode Selection. Active high.)
  • Getting image dependencies
    • VSYNC -> D2 (Vertical Sync Output – Low during frame)
    • HREF -> none (Horizontal Reference – High during active pixels of 1 row)
    • XCLK -> D12 (Pixel Clock Output – Data is valid on rising edge)
  • DCMI (Digital Camera Interface) - 8-bit Video Component Digital Output
    • D0-D3 -> A0-A3
    • D4-D7 -> D4-A7

Images examples

Used sources