
TargetPath.parents seems broken

Closed this issue · 2 comments

TargetPath.parents seems to be broken.

$ target-shell -p /tmp/example.vmx

In [1]: foo = t.fs.path("/sysvol/Users/Administrator")

In [2]: foo.parent
Out[2]: TargetPath('/sysvol/Users')

In [3]: foo.parents
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[3], line 1
----> 1 foo.parents

File /tmp/, in PureDissectPath.parents(self)
    650 @property
    651 def parents(self):
--> 652     return _DissectPathParents(self)

File /tmp/, in _DissectPathParents.__init__(self, path)
    562 super().__init__(path)
    563 self._fs = path._fs
--> 564 self._flavour = path._flavour

AttributeError: '_DissectPathParents' object has no attribute '_flavour'

In [4]: 

I'm working on some changes that should make TargetPath easier to maintain across Python versions. It includes a fix for this (which was a small change). Expect a PR soon.

This was fixed with #494