
RDTag Ignored when Forwarding to Splunk via Rdump

iamaleks opened this issue · 0 comments


I have attempted to forward output via RDump to Splunk using the following command:

$ target-query [PATH_OF_IMAGE] -f users | rdump -w splunk://
[reading from stdin]

I do not observe the RDTag in the output being sent to Splunk in transit (Following screenshot is from a PCAP of data sent in transit).

I also do not observe the RDTag in the data that is received by Splunk.

I only came across the ability to add the RDTag in the source code (
Should the RDTag I specified be taking effect or have I done something wrong when executing the command?

PS: The version of the software I am using is as follows:

$ rdump --version
flow.record version 3.5