
Redraw based on only changed data

d9k opened this issue ยท 4 comments

d9k commented


I read your whole tutorial for mithril, awesome reading!

For example in chapter 12:

If I add console.log(label + ' redraw'); into view() function (~67th line) inside createTemperature() I see

Air redraw
Water redraw

every time I click any button!

Is it possible to rewrite meiosis pattern to rebuild vdom only for components dependent of changed data?

For example if I increase water temperature only Water redraw line must appear at console.

@d9k Greetings! Thank you for your feedback, much appreciated!

You ask a good question. This is addressed in Chapter 3 - Update Model:

Note: you might wonder about rebuilding the whole view and re-rendering it when something changes. Generally speaking, producing a vnode is not a performance concern. Further, re-rendering the view is what virtual-DOM libraries are good at: figuring out what minimal changes are needed to make the real DOM reflect the view.

That being said, nevertheless I will show how to prevent re-construction of sections of the virtual-DOM tree that have not changed.

I will add a link here when that section is ready. Stay tuned!

d9k commented

@foxdonut, cool! ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ‘

@d9k I still need to do a writeup, but in the meantime I thought you might be interested in seeing the code example.

Essentially to prevent re-renders, this example:

  • uses immutable objects, to easily determine a change with !==
  • uses Mithril components to have access to lifecycle methods
  • uses Mithril's onbeforeupdate lifecycle method to determine whether to re-render

You can see the result in the console. For example, when you change the Air temperature, you only see render Temperature Air, the other components are not re-rendered.

Hope that helps!