
The UI not update when hot-reload

njleonzhang opened this issue · 4 comments


    "mobx": "^3.2.2",
    "mobx-react": "^4.2.2",
    "react": "^15.6.1",
    "react-dom": "^15.6.1",
    "react-router-dom": "^4.1.2",
    "rfx-core": "^1.5.3"


import "./stores" // init the store

const store = rehydrate()
      <Provider store={isProduction ? store : hotRehydrate()}>
        <App />

// hot reload config
if ( { => renderApp(App))

@withRouter // make react-router work 
export default class App extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    super(props) =

  componentDidMount() {'2017-11-11')

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <div className="App-header">
          <img src={img} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
          <h2>Welcome to React {}</h2>
        <p className="App-intro">
          To get started, edit <code>src/App.js</code> and save to reload. {}


export default class AppState {
  @observable testVal

  constructor() {
    this.testVal = '123'

import { store } from 'rfx-core'

import AppState from './AppState'

export default store.setup({
  appState: AppState,

After updating Store, for example, change this.testVal = '123' to this.testVal = '1234', the log shows Store has changed, but the UI not updated.


Here is the sample project, would you please help to check?

fixed by myself

Please share your fix, can be useful for other users too

Sample project.

  1. for non rfx-core version:
  2. for rfx-core version:


  1. In main.jsx, watch both App, and store['./components/App', './stores'], () => {
    const newApp = require('./components/App').default
  1. in App.jsx, importing store to make store a child component of App.jsx, so that when we change store code, the App.jsx can be triggered to run hot reload.
import '../../stores' // for hot-reload, make code change in store trigger App.jsx reload

rfx-core keeps current value of store when hot-reload. but when working with react-router, the hot reload will also trigger router, so if you change store in react hook componentDidMount, then the store value you kept through rfx-core will still be override by router. So in this scenario, the benefit of rfx-core (I mean keep state) becomes useless.

At the same time, rfx-core(keep state) can cause another side-effect. For example, I have a testVal = 123 in store, and when I change it to testVal = 1234, it seems the new value can not be updated to store. because the old value 123 is kept. (I am not sure if this is caused by my config)

I need react-router, and most of the time, I change store when router change(get data from server), kept store value is always override by router change in my project. so I remove rfx-core and use a normal store. this can work currently(not sure if will encounter other issues) with the next warning:

MobX Provider: Provided store 'store' has changed. Please avoid replacing stores as the change might not propagate to all children

So it seems there is no solution now to make hot-reload work perfect with mobx + react + react-router + mobx-react-router. A perfect solution need to keep current value, update changed value, at the same time not be override by router, hope react professional can make a solution. @foxhound87

Sorry for my poor english, hope can help or inspire someone.

Thanks for your effort!