
Live in-use proxy name indicator in the extension icon

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I've noticed that in the recent month updates the extension's icon is changed to a static image when the "Proxy by Patterns" mode is active.

Previously the icon was displaying the exact proxy name that was in use. Even sometimes on a single webpage, the icon would rapidly change accordingly and that was such a nice feature that now is not here. Lack of this feature makes room for doubt and uncertainty and it demands external monitoring to check if the rules are applied or not, but previously the program had a small self monitoring feature right in it's live icon!

I know this change was made to make clear that the patterns are applied or not, but what if we could have both features at the same time?! For example a color tint (or an added small object) would indicate that the patterns are applied, and proxy names appear like they normally do on the icon...

I'm sure your art skills and creativity are much better than me, this was just a raw comment for this small yet effective feature that could bring back live interaction of the extension with the user.

Thanks a lot!

There is already an issue for this:


There is already an issue for this:


Ahhh I wonder why I couldn't find that issue 😔
But now I get it...
Log section covers most of my needs👍