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I got IndexOutOfBoundsException when attempting to compute SVD for a large matrix (3404 x 21951). The matrix is created using edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.SparseOnDiskMatrix. The numDimensions is set to maximum size (21951) of matrix so that i can get the diagonal matrix S for the large matrix. It runs OK for small matrix. Any idea about why this exception happens ? thanks, Jerry

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: 8268500
at java.nio.DirectDoubleBufferS.get(
at edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.OnDiskMatrix.get(
at edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.factorization.SingularValueDecompositionMatlab.factorize(
at edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.factorization.SingularValueDecompositionMatlab.factorize(

It turns out that it might be similar to the issue #58 . I'm trying to get S matrix for the large matrix, however, the SVDLIBC only return dimensions less than the number of rows.

Not sure why. I thing the data matrix for SVDLIBC should be "columns: variables/features, rows: data point".

Anyone can help to confirm this ?