
Stackage nightly build failure

Closed this issue · 3 comments

[10 of 22] Compiling Stackage.GithubPings ( Stackage/GithubPings.hs, dist/build/Stackage/GithubPings.o )

Stackage/GithubPings.hs:27:5: error:
    • Non type-variable argument in the constraint: Eq (Element b)
      (Use FlexibleContexts to permit this)
    • When checking the inferred type
        goHomepage :: forall b.
                      (Element b ~ Char, Eq (Element b), IsSequence b, IsString b) =>
                      b -> [b]
      In an equation for ‘getGithubPings’:
          getGithubPings gpd
            = setFromList
                $ map pack
                    $ goHomepage (homepage $ packageDescription gpd)
                        ++ concatMap goRepo (sourceRepos $ packageDescription gpd)
                goHomepage t
                  = do prefix <- ...
                goRepo sr
                  = case (repoType sr, repoLocation sr) of
                      (Just Git, Just s) -> goHomepage s
                      _ -> ...
27 |     goHomepage t = do
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.

Hmmm, constraint didn't work, had to do commercialhaskell/stackage@b2c8d1a.

@lwm Should be fixed now, and I've pushed a commit to the stackage repo as well.
