
Handle packages with multiple libraries (?)

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Repro: try adding htoml-megaparsec to the build plan. Note that this package depends on an internal library: htoml-internal. See: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/htoml-megaparsec-

The result is that stackage-curator marks htoml-internal as "not present" and gives up:

htoml-internal (not present) depended on by:
- [ ] htoml-megaparsec- (-any). No maintainer.. Used by: library, test-suite, benchmark

@DanBurton @bergmark I wonder what can be done in order to allow addition of packages with internal libraries to Stackage? This is more relevant in the context of upcoming LTS-13.

I've hacked up a PR which hopefully addresses this.