
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64

MaleBug opened this issue · 1 comments

I was planning to integrate NSLogger to my custom framework but I encountered this error during runtime:

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_LoggerInit", referenced from:
-[LogManagerTest test_NSLogger_create_log_files] in LogManagerTest.o
"_LoggerSetBufferFile", referenced from:
-[LogManagerTest test_NSLogger_create_log_files] in LogManagerTest.o
"_LoggerStart", referenced from:
-[LogManagerTest test_NSLogger_create_log_files] in LogManagerTest.o
"_LogMessage", referenced from:
-[LogManagerTest test_NSLogger_create_log_files] in LogManagerTest.o
"_LogMessageF", referenced from:
-[LogManagerTest test_NSLogger_create_log_files] in LogManagerTest.o
-[LogManager logMessage:fileName:logLevelFlag:leadingUnmaskedMessage:] in libPersonalDataVault.a(LogManager.o)
-[LogManager acaengineLogMessage:logLevelFlag:] in libPersonalDataVault.a(LogManager.o)
-[LogManager logFileEncodedString:logFileName:] in libPersonalDataVault.a(LogManager.o)
"_LoggerFlush", referenced from:
-[LogManagerTest test_NSLogger_create_log_files] in LogManagerTest.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

I installed NSLogger using CocoaPods and also linked all SystemConfiguration and CFNetwork framework as instructed in the docs. I did not encounter this issue when I was trying out NSLogger on a new project. Any ideas where I might have missed out something. Would love to use this in my framework as a logging tool.

Thanks and Regards,

Please try with 1.9.0, works fine here