
Touch events not working

oobayly opened this issue · 5 comments

I know this is a very niche case, and I'm adding this in case anyone ever comes across the same issue, rather than expecting this to be fixed.

I picked a Raspberry PI touchscreen monitor for a completely unreleated project and thought it might work as an AviTab screen for X-Plane. This is what I tried

  1. Add as a 2nd screen in Windows
  2. Undock the AviTab window and move to the touchscreen monitor
  3. ???
  4. Profit

Unfortunately, it didn't work out quite as well as I had hoped:

  • Tapping any AviTab buttons didn't work
  • but... out of frustration I realised that double tapping the buttons did work
  • drag events work perfectly - I can pan around a chart

My hope was that it was going to be a simple fix, like an event handler or such, but long story short, I came across this forum post: Windows simulation touch screen requires double touch

Somebody managed to fix it (in the micropython lib) by using a queue.

Like I said, feel free to close this immediately.

fpw commented

Is there an easy way to reproduce this without having a touch screen?

Is there an easy way to reproduce this without having a touch screen?

I'll look into it.

Visual Studio (with the UWP packages) provides Windows Simulator - Windows 10 - How do I test touch events without a touchscreen?

I've got VS2019 on my laptop, but I've set up the build environment for AviTab on my Linux box (and can't face cluttering up my laptop any more than it is!), so could I be cheeky and ask for a windows build of the AviTab standalone so I can try testing the behaviour?

The other option is that I can provide you with a touchscreen!

fpw commented

Here you are: https://folko.solhost.org/avitab/AviTab-standalone.zip

The standalone version uses a completely different GUI approach, so maybe first check if it is even affected by that bug.

Thanks for the executable. I tested it in the Windows Simulator* and I get the identical results. Double taps are registered as a single click, but dragging works as expected. I took a screen capture, but it wasn't very obvious what was going on.

In all seriousness though, if you would like me to send you an actual touchscreen for you to play with, I'd be more than happy to.

  • Note. If you you use Windows Hello (PIN, face recognition, etc) to sign in, Windows Simluator may not launch properly. You need to launch it from the CLI using runas /user:"WINDOWS LOGIN NAME" "c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Simulator\16.0\Microsoft.Windows.Simulator.exe"