
Forward/Reverse jump doesn't activate on Sioyek

DMNinja opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm using:

  • neovim 0.9.1-1 (Same as arch repos)
  • sioyek 2.0.0-2 (AUR)
  • Artix Linux
  • NVChad (Latest)
  • Vimtex (NOT Lazy-loaded)
  • Ltex-ls (Lazy)
  • Texlab (Lazy)
  • KNAP (NOT Lazy-loaded)

My related pdf settings are (stock from the readme with buffer as stdin enabled):
textopdf = "pdflatex -jobname \"$(basename -s .pdf %outputfile%)\" -halt-on-error",
textopdfbufferasstdin = true,
textopdfviewerlaunch = "sioyek --inverse-search 'nvim --headless -es --cmd \"lua require('\"'\"'knaphelper'\"'\"').relayjump('\"'\"'%servername%'\"'\"','\"'\"'%1'\"'\"',%2,%3)\"' --new-window %outputfile%",
textopdfviewerrefresh = "none",
textopdfforwardjump = "sioyek --inverse-search 'nvim --headless -es --cmd \"lua require('\"'\"'knaphelper'\"'\"').relayjump('\"'\"'%servername%'\"'\"','\"'\"'%1'\"'\"',%2,%3)\"' --reuse-window --forward-search-file %srcfile% --forward-search-line %line% %outputfile%",

When i press F8 for forward search, i get the message "Attempting to jump to matching location"

I suspect it to be a knap.forward_jump issue since when i call lua require ("knap").forward_jump() from the command mode, i get the same return, meaning the command parses as intended.

Appending the results of the command when ran from a terminal with my v:servername

On sioyek, i enable synctex support (F4) and attempt a reverse search by right clicking on the document, and nothing happens either

How should i go about solving this?