
Minitest system tests trying to use `app_db.solid_errors` table

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I added SolidError to my app, and when I run failing minitest system test, I get

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql2::Error: Table 'kucharka_test.solid_errors' doesn't exist

and not getting the real error message (in this case RecordNotFound).

Maybe I miscofigured something, but I mostly followed the default instructions.

Thanks for help!

What I tried:

  • removing gem from Gemfile helps
  • removing configuration lines from production and development doesn't

I haven't looked into this and haven't had time but I think it has to do with the test DB not being configured the same way as prod and development. The error is happening and solid_errors is expecting it to be. In test solid_errors likely needs to be disabled somehow.

I imagine later will be an option to be disabled in test environments. Meanwhile I added in my config/environments/test.rb file the following:

Rails.application.configure do
# ...

  config.solid_errors.connects_to = { database: { writing: :errors }

And inside the config/database.yml file:

    <<: *default
    database: data/test_data.sqlite3
    <<: *default
    database: data/test_errors.sqlite3
    migrations_paths: db/errors_migrate

This is working for me.