
Synaptic Design System - React component library

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Synaptic Tuxedo

Synaptic tuxedo is a styled-components based component library build on top of ant-design. If you have no prior exposure to styled components, kindly go through their documentation.


  • Inherent support for design-systems. Implement your own with ease.
  • Base elements like Box, FlexBox, Text etc straight out of the box.
  • Implements most major UI components. For complete list of components, visit Tuxedo-storybook.
  • Comes bundled with a default theme and also contains support for a custom theme.
  • Flexible & composable.
  • Built on top of ant-design and uses styled-components.

Documentation and Examples

Synaptic tuxedo storybook

Getting Started

Installing synaptic-tuxedo

// NPM
npm install synaptic-tuxedo --save

// Yarn
yarn add synaptic-tuxedo


import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { Box, FlexBox } from 'synaptic-tuxedo'

  <Box>I am using Synaptic-tuxedo!</Box>,

Using default theme

Step 1

Import default tuxedo theme which contains overrides for antd less variables

// ES6
import antdTheme from 'synaptic-tuxedo/lib/theme/index.antd';

// ES5
const antdTheme = require('synaptic-tuxedo/lib/theme/index.antd');

Follow the steps mentioned at antd/customize-theme and then in your webpack.config or config-overrides, use:

modifyVars: antdTheme()

Step 2

Use Provider at the start of your project.

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { Provider, Box, FlexBox } from 'synaptic-tuxedo'

    <Box>I am using Synaptic-tuxedo!</Box>

Custom Theme

As mentioned above, synaptic-tuxedo offers support for custom design-system and theming.

Step 1

Pass a custom theme object as a prop to Provider

import myTheme from './theme';
<Provider theme={myTheme}>

Step 2

For theming antd, pass your theme as an argument to antdTheme

modifyVars: antdTheme(myTheme)

Built With


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details