
ContainerTraits::size and BufferAdapterTraits::increaseBufferSize

victorstewart opened this issue · 2 comments

thoughts on renaming size to remainingCapacity? because it really requests remainingCapacity not size. just debugged an infinite loop where i'd implemented these as size when really the intention was remainingCapacity.

Yes... you're absolutely right, I cannot explain how it slipped. I just don't know how should I fix this.
There are some nice improvements that deserve to be published in a new bistery version. This change is actually a breaking one, so I would want to avoid it... maybe adding [[deprected]] attribute to these functions, and creating new ones would be the way to go here.

meant *rename lol. my mind was focused on remaining.

[[deprecated]] sounds like the least breaking way to fix it.

but say the version was changed to 6.0, it's not unheard of to have API breaking changes in new major versions. i suspect few people use these facilities since this wasn't noticed before, and they'd realize upon upgrading and compiling.

but either way is fine!