
TypeError: assert is not a function

miohtama opened this issue · 3 comments

I have been using assert-ts fine with different environments. However, now when running with Node v16.14.2 in SvelteKit with its Node.Js adapter for Trading Strategy frontend I am getting the following error:

import assert from 'assert-ts';

console.log("Assert is", assert);
assert(input, 'input number missing');
TypeError: assert is not a function

The assert object looks good based on console.log output:

Assert is {
  configureAssert: [Getter],
  testResetConfiguration: [Getter],
  assert: [Getter],
  default: [Function: hardAssert] { soft: [Function: softAssert] }

This happens only when running SvelteKit application using Node.js production build adapter, not when running it with Vite development server.

Will keep debugging. All tips welcome.

This has something to do with the default export. If you use the following syntax:

import { assert } from 'assert-ts';

The assert() works fine. In this case you get:

< Assert is [Function: hardAssert] { soft: [Function: softAssert] }

I suspect some kind of issue with TypeScript build pipeline or SvelteKit JavaScript transpiling.

@miohtama, thanks for reporting and debugging! I think it's useful to still support the default export/import, depending on your preferences (and environment). Do you have any proposals for changing the code, or should I close the issue?

I thin you can close it, but I feel this also should be reflected in the documentation somehow. I do not have a concrete proposal how, though, because I do not understand the context when default imports do not work.