
Source of the UAI2022 paper "Efficient and Transferable Adversarial Examples from Bayesian Neural Networks"

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Transferable Adversarial Examples from BNN

Implementation of the paper Efficient and Transferable Adversarial Examples from Bayesian Neural Networks by Martin Gubri, Maxime Cordy, Mike Papadakis and Yves Le Traon from the University of Luxembourg.


An established way to improve the transferability of black-box evasion attacks is to craft the adversarial examples on a surrogate ensemble model. Unfortunately, such methods involve heavy computation costs to train the models forming the ensemble. Based on a state-of-the-art Bayesian Neural Network technique, we propose a new method to efficiently build such surrogates by sampling from the posterior distribution of neural network weights during a single training process. Our experiments on ImageNet and CIFAR-10 show that our approach improves the transfer rates of four state-of-the-art attacks significantly (between 2.5 and 44.4 percentage points), in both intra-architecture and inter-architecture cases. On ImageNet, our approach can reach 94% of transfer rate while reducing training time from 387 to 136 hours on our infrastructure, compared to an ensemble of independently trained DNNs. Furthermore, our approach can be combined with test-time techniques improving transferability, further increasing their effectiveness by up to 25.1 percentage points.


python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
mkdir log


1. CIFAR-10

1.1. Train Bayesian NN with cSGLD

For every 5 architectures, train 1 SG-MCMC with cSGLD for 5 cycles of 50 epochs and 3 samples per cycle.

cd pytorch_ensembles
bash train_sse_mcmc_hpc.sh
bash train_sse_mcmc_hpc_pre164.sh
bash train_sse_mcmc_hpc_res50.sh
bash train_sse_mcmc_hpc_vgg16.sh
bash train_sse_mcmc_hpc_vgg19.sh
bash train_sse_mcmc_hpc_wide2810.sh
cd ..

1.2. Train single deterministic DNN with Adam

For every 5 architectures, train 1 single DNN for 250 epochs.

bash scripts/cifar10/run_train_dnn.sh

See help of train.py for more information:

python train.py --help

1.3. Train Deep Ensembles with Adam

Train independently:

  1. An ensemble of 15 deterministic DNNs with PreResNet110 architecture (250 epochs each)
  2. An ensemble of 4 deterministic DNNs for every 5 architectures architecture (250 epochs each model)
bash scripts/cifar10/run_train_ensemble_dnn.sh
# copy the model trained in 1.2. to be used as the 4th model of each ensemble
cd models/CIFAR10/PreResNet110/
cp single_model/model_Adam_bs128_lr0.01_lrd75_psig100.0_ep250_seed100.pth dnn_ensemble/Adam_bs128_lr0.01_lrd75_psig100.0_ep250_seed1001/
cd PreResNet164
cp single_model/model_Adam_bs128_lr0.01_lrd75_psig100.0_ep250_seed103.pth dnn_ensemble/Adam_bs128_lr0.01_lrd75_psig100.0_ep250_seed1002/
cd ../VGG16BN/
cp single_model/model_Adam_bs128_lr0.01_lrd75_psig100.0_ep250_seed101.pth dnn_ensemble/Adam_bs128_lr0.01_lrd75_psig100.0_ep250_seed1003/
cd ../VGG19BN/
cp single_model/model_Adam_bs128_lr0.01_lrd75_psig100.0_ep250_seed102.pth dnn_ensemble/Adam_bs128_lr0.01_lrd75_psig100.0_ep250_seed1004/
cd ../WideResNet28x10/
cp single_model/model_Adam_bs128_lr0.01_lrd75_psig100.0_ep250_seed104.pth dnn_ensemble/Adam_bs128_lr0.01_lrd75_psig100.0_ep250_seed1005/

1.4. Train target single deterministic DNN with Adam

For every 5 architectures, train 1 single DNN to be used as target model. The code and hyperparameters are the same than for models train in section 1.2, except the random seeds.

batch run_train_target_models.sh

2. ImageNet

2.1. Train Bayesian NN with cSGLD on resnet-50

For RQ1, train 1 resnet-50 SG-MCMC with cSGLD for 5 cycles of 45 epochs and 3 samples per cycle.

cd pytorch_ensembles
bash train_imagenet_csgld_resnet50.sh

2.2. Train Bayesian NN with cSGLD on 5 archs

For RQ2, train every 4 other architectures SG-MCMC with cSGLD for 3 cycles of 50 epochs and 3 samples per cycle.

cd pytorch_ensembles
bash train_imagenet_csgld_resnext.sh
bash train_imagenet_csgld_densenet.sh
bash train_imagenet_csgld_mnasnet.sh
bash train_imagenet_csgld_efficientnet.sh
# training can be resume if necessary (in case of nan loss):
# bash train_imagenet_csgld_efficientnet_resume.sh
# bash train_imagenet_csgld_efficientnet_resume1.sh
cd ..

2.3. Retrieve and Train Deep Ensembles

For RQ1, we retrieve the resnet-50 models trained independently by pytorch-ensembles.

bash scripts/imagenet/download_pretrained.sh

For RQ2, we train independently 1 DNN for every 4 other architectures (135 epochs each model).

bash scripts/imagenet/train_dnn_densenet.sh
bash scripts/imagenet/train_dnn_efficientnet.sh
bash scripts/imagenet/train_dnn_mnasnet.sh
bash scripts/imagenet/train_dnn_resnext.sh
# in RQ2, to match the nb of epochs of 3 cycles of cSGLD, we train every architecture for an additional 5 epochs
bash scripts/imagenet/dnn_130to135epochs/train_dnn_densenet.sh
bash scripts/imagenet/dnn_130to135epochs/train_dnn_efficientnet_resume.sh
bash scripts/imagenet/dnn_130to135epochs/train_dnn_mnasnet.sh
bash scripts/imagenet/dnn_130to135epochs/train_dnn_resnet50.sh
bash scripts/imagenet/dnn_130to135epochs/train_dnn_resnext.sh


1. RQ1: Intra-architecture transferability

Compute L2 and Linf adversarial examples against the PreResNet110 cSGLD and DNNs ensembles using FG(S)M, I-FG(S)M, MI-FG(S)M and PGD (in both variants: using 1 model or every models at each iteration).

Results are exported in CSV in X_adv/CIFAR10/PreResNet110/results_same_arch.csv and X_adv/ImageNet/resnet50/results_same_arch.csv.

bash scripts/cifar10/run_attack_same_arch.sh
# ImageNet
bash scripts/imagenet/run_attack_same_arch.sh

To compute the T-DEE, attack every ensemble from 1 DNN to 15 DNNs. Results are exported in CSV in X_adv/CIFAR10/PreResNet110/results_dee.csv and X_adv/ImageNet/resnet50/results_dee.csv.

bash scripts/cifar10/run_attack__dee.sh
# ImageNet
bash scripts/imagenet/run_attack__dee.sh

T-DEE values are computed in plot_metrics.py.

2. RQ2: Inter-architecture transferability

Compute L2 and Linf I-FG(S)M for each 5 hold-out architecture. On CIFAR-10, attack the following surrogate: cSGLD (154 models), 1 DNN (14 models) and ensemble of 4 DNNs per architecture (44 models). On ImageNet, attack the following surrogate: cSGLD (154 models) and 1 DNN per architecture (1*4 models).

Results are exported in CSV in X_adv/CIFAR10/holdout/results_holdout.csv and X_adv/ImageNet/holdout/results_holdout.csv.

bash scripts/cifar10/run_attack_multiple_archs.sh
# ImageNet cSGLD
bash scripts/imagenet/run_attack_csgld_pgd__multiple_archs.sh
# ImageNet DNNs
bash scripts/imagenet/run_attack_dnn__multiple_archs.sh

3. RQ3: test-time transferability techniques

Evaluate L2 and Linf I-FG(S)M with 3 test-time transferability techniques on both cSGLD and an ensemble of DNNs (1 for CIFAR, 2 for ImageNet).

Results are exported in CSV in X_adv/cifar10/test_techniques/results_test_techniques.csv and X_adv/ImageNet/test_techniques/results_test_techniques.csv.

bash scripts/cifar10/run_attack_with_test_techniques.sh
# ImageNet 
bash scripts/imagenet/run_attack_with_test_techniques.sh

4. RQ4: Hyperparameters

Train 1 cSGLD for 20 cycles.

bash pytorch_ensembles/train_sse_mcmc_rq_nb_cycles.sh

Evaluate L2 and Linf I-FG(S)M on cSGLD with a number of cycles from 1 to 16 (on CIFAR-10 only). Results are exported in CSV in X_adv/CIFAR10/RQ/results_nb_cycles.csv.

bash scripts/cifar10/run_attack__nb_cycles.sh


cSGLD models are trained thanks to the work of Ruqi Zhang et al., and Arsenii Ashukha et al. available on GitHub.

Supplementary Materials

Number of cSGLD samples per cycle

Train 1 cSGLD for every number of cycles from 1 to 10.

bash pytorch_ensembles/train_sse_mcmc_rq_nb_samples.sh

Evaluate L2 and Linf I-FG(S)M on cSGLD with a number of cycles from 1 to 16 (on CIFAR-10 only). Results are exported in CSV in X_adv/CIFAR10/RQ/results_nb_samples_per_cycle_true.csv.

bash scripts/cifar10/run_attack__nb_samples_true.sh

Number attack iterations

Report transfer rates on cSGLD, 1, 2, 5 and 15 DNNs for every iteration up to 200. Computations are done for L2 and Linf norms of I-FG(S)M, MI-FG(S)M and PGD on both datasets.

Results are exported in CSV in X_adv/CIFAR10/RQ/results_nb_iters.csv and X_adv/ImageNet/RQ/results_nb_iters.csv.

bash scripts/cifar10/run_rq_nb_iters.sh
bash scripts/imagenet/run_rq_nb_iters.sh

0-Gradient issue

Analyse the proportion of gradients smaller than the eps tolerance used in ART:

python analyse_grad.py  # for CIFAR-10
python analyse_grad_imagenet.py  # for ImageNet
# modify line 11-12 to target a DNN or a cSGLD sample


Figure and Tables

Figure and Tables can be reproduced with the plot_metrics.py script.