
The DOM and App events are missing in the docs of Data Table?

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The DOM and App events

  • datatable:sort and dataTableSort
  • datatable:beforedestroy and dataTableBeforeDestroy

are missing in the docs of Data Table? (

Also, as I understand it, there is also a DOM event sheet:beforedestroy which, however, is not listed on the page and in the DomEvents section of the file /src/core/components/sheet/sheet.d.ts

Is that so?

And maybe there is also a DOM event dialog:beforedestroy not listed in the documentation ( and in the DomEvents section of the file /src/core/components/dialog/dialog.d.ts

Also, in the "App and Smart Select Instance Events" section of the page there is the presence of the prevent argument also at the open / smartSelectOpen event. It's correct?