💦 Recursos Hídricos
Transformation of SNIRH platform data into an accessible RESTFull API.
Table of Contents
- What is SNIRH?
- Motivation
- Structure
- Setup for development
- Setup for deployment
- Populate timeseries data
- Crawler
What is SNIRH?
SNIRH (Sistema Nacional de Informação de Recursos Hídricos - National Information System for Water Resources) is a website built in the mid90s that gives access to all sorts of water resources data accross Portugal. It had little to no updates in the last 30 years.
- The user interface is pretty old and hard to get multiple station's data.
- Provide access to the data in an easy and standard format, through a REST API.
- On top of this API, a frontend modern application can be easily built.
This project consists of 4 main containers:
- backend - fetches the data and creates a RESTFull API interface for easy access.
- db - database container.
- pgadmin - admin panel for postgreSQL.
- frontend - creates a modern dashboard for easy access. ❗ work in progress ❗
❗ If you only need the crawler (without all this web stuff) go to this repo
Setup for development
build and run for development
docker-compose up -d --build
the api server will be available in http://localhost:8000
You should populate the database with network, stations and parameters data (static data, -s
docker exec -it backend python3 manage.py populate -s -r # -r stands for replace
⚠️ Fething the data can take a looong time
Setup for deployment
1 - Setup traefik - follow this tutorial
2 - edit docker-compose.prod.yml
traefik domain settings with your domain.
3 - add .env
file in the main directory (copy from .env.dev)
4 - build and run for production
docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d --build
You should populate the database with network, stations and parameters data (static data, -s
docker exec -it backend python3 manage.py populate -s -r # -r stands for replace
⚠️ Fetching the data can take a looong time
Populate timeseries data
Currently, this functionality is ignored, due to long waiting times. The data is directly fetched from SNIRH
to get all timeseries data and populate the database run:
docker exec -it backend python3 manage.py populate -t -r # -r stands for replace
to get timeseries data just for the last day:
docker exec -it backend python3 manage.py populate -t
⚠️ Fetching the data can take a looong time
The crawler accepts multiple commands that will print the data and write it to a .json
❗ If you only need the crawler go to this repo
# all networks
python3 manage.py fetch networks
# all stations for a network_uid
python3 manage.py fetch stations -n {network_uid}
# all params of a station_uid from a network_uid
python3 manage.py fetch params -n {network_uid} -s {station_uid}
# data for a parameter_uid of a station_uid from tmin (yyyy-mm-dd) to tmax (yyyy-mm-dd)
python3 manage.py fetch data -s {station_uid} -p {parameter_uid} -f {tmin} -t {tmax}
Get all networks - writes it in data/networks.json
python3 manage.py fetch networks
Get all stations of the network 920123705 - writes it in data/stations-network_920123705.json
python3 manage.py fetch stations -n 920123705
Get all parameters of the station 1627758916 inside the network 920123705 - writes it in data/parameters-station_1627758916.json
python3 manage.py fetch parameters -n 920123705 -s 1627758916
Get data for parameter 1849 of the station 1627758916 between 1980-01-01 and 2020-12-31 - writes it in data/data-station_1627758916-parameter_1849-tmin_1980-01-01-tmax_2020-12-31.json
python3 manage.py fetch data -s 1627758916 -p 1849 -f 1980-01-01 -t 2020-12-31
Get data for multiple parameters (4237, 1436794570) and multiple stations (920752570, 920752670) between 1930-01-01 and 2020-12-31 - writes it in
Get data for parameter 1849 of the station 1627758916 between 1980-01-01 and 2020-12-31 - writes it in data/data-stations_920752570,920752670-parameters_4237,1436794570-tmin_1930-01-01-tmax_2020-12-31.json
python3 manage.py fetch data -s 920752570 920752670 -p 4237 1436794570 -f 1930-01-01 -t 2020-12-31