
semver generation

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm thinking that current command could accept --semver option and generate the .semver file with the current version

versiontag current --semver
versiontag current -s

in default do not create semver stuff, only with theese params :)

Another aspect to take into account is a good workflow, to avoid unnecessary commits. Ideas:

  • major|minor|patch --semver to generate the new .semver file without updating the tag. (cons: posible unsync with the tagged version)
  • major|minor|patch --semver updates tag and .semver file, pushing both (this doesn't work id pushing to master is restricted, so.. could it work in a branch?

Is it good idea to tag a commit in a branch?

i am not certrain which way will be better, hovewer consider this facts:

  • project can have different versions developed in same time, so it brings #8 to attention and make tags in branches relevant
  • if user want create commit, i will be in favor of paramterer --commit | -c to expicitly give order to create it and minimize unexpected behovouir

Agree with -c|--commit

I need some background with different versions at same time, II need to clarify workflows

for example this project have that: