
Warning: Number of points lower than number of bins

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Frank
I got many warning messages like this
Warning: Number of points lower than number of bins.Number of bins was reduced

In CAM2FIB>interpBeamPath (line 382)


Originally posted by @worldred99 in #1 (comment)

Hi Shihong,

I moved this into a new issue to keep the overview.

This warning is being issued during interpolation of the beampath in function "interpBeamPath". The interpolation is carried out to space out the scanning points evenly and therefore guarantee an evenly distributed beam current density during milling.

In the example, the beam path is interpolated with steps, here called bins, of 6.5 nm. In the case, that the number of points of a G-Code segment (for example an arc) is lower than the number of points generated by using the 6.5 nm bins, the number of bins is reduced to the number of points from the G-Code segment. This is done as otherwise new points would need to be generated, which is difficult to control automatically. To warn the user about this, the message "'Number of points lower than number of bins. Number of bins was reduced" is issued.

I hope this helps,