
Create distribution

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Create distribution that doesn't require users to install Node, Bower and then run the commands to download the dependencies.

The build folder was removed. This used to provide a build of the code so all you had to do was install the dependencies via npm and bower. Since I will be providing an up to date distribution soon there is really no need for this folder to be in the repository. I've added a dependency to the README to let people know that grunt is needed to build the code.

This will happen after I upload the rewrite I've been working on for the last several weeks.

This is going to be a bit wonky with the way I instantiate the rewrite. In the last Toby rewrite I spawn an Express server when Electron fires up and everything just works out.

This time round and to keep things easier to make work with Electron, NWjs and Web I just use npm start to fire up Express and then clients connect after that.

In order to get that double click executable feel either things are going to have to change, or I have a revelation or a distribution isn't really gonna be possible.

I believe I've figured out the challenges for putting together a distribution in the rewrite branch. More to follow...

I definitely overcame the challenges with packaging the Toby rewrite for NW.js today. I'm still polishing it and it still needs some work but It's going to be as easy as double clicking nw.exe (will definitely rebrand) and the app starts and all the craziness with getting it to run like that is abstracted away.

I'm only going to distribute for Windows. I just don't have time to investigate Linux or Mac builds right now.

At the moment I've been focused on creating a distribution for NW.js. This is all working nicely and the rewrite branch is working fine in NW.js. Last step to do is upload a pre-release.

I'm going to focus on the NW.js distribution at the moment.

A pre-release of the NW.js build should happen within next day or two.

I have provided a 1.0 SNAPSHOT pre-release of the Toby rewrite branch. I can only provide Windows distributions right now.

An Electron based distribution will be forthcoming.