
IcePick won't resolve in gradle

enyciaa opened this issue · 5 comments


I'm having trouble getting IcePick from Clojar. Both these lines cause a failed to resolve error in gradle:

compile "frankiesardo:icepick:3.2.0"
compile "frankiesardo:icepick-processor:3.2.0"

However I did find an old version of the library that works:

compile 'com.github.frankiesardo:icepick:2.3.6'
provided 'com.github.frankiesardo:icepick-processor:2.3.6'

However this would involve using quite a dated version of the library. Is there any way round the error with the latest version of the library on Clojar?


Hi have you added

repositories {
  maven {url ""}

To your build.gradle file?

That did the trick!

My bad for not reading properly...


I'm having the same issue as described above. I added maven {url ""} in repositories and compile 'frankiesardo:icepick:3.2.0' in dependencies. It works with older versions of icepick as described above.

@vladtamas Make sure you add it to the right repositories section:

buildscript {
    repositories {
        // Here is no good
repositories {
    // Here is good:
    maven { url '' }

Seems to be working now.