How will i go about tracking extra data for a metric i.e metric("john", "created_object"), metric("john", "created_car")
osiloke opened this issue · 1 comments
Does this app allow me to do this or should i just store metric("john_created_object") then rely on the backend to split by "_" and make sense of it?
If by "split on _ and make sense of it" you mean that it will create a metric for "john", "created", "object" then no. The name you give the metric is the name that is stored and used for aggregation purposes. So if you wanted to count all object creations you would do something like metric("created_object") and if you wanted to track by per user then you'd issue a second metric("john_created_object").
If you're using the mixpanel backend however you can attach additional "properties" to the metric that will be passed along to and can be used for per user filtering like that. Hope that helps!