The Definitive Guide to Elixir.

This is the Definitive guide to Elixir.

I will learn elixir... one day.

Probably you're trying to learn elixir for a long time, but you never have time to learn about it.

It happens with me. I tried to learn elixir 3 or 4 times in a year. If the same thing happens with you, this is the place you should stay and finnally learn elixir.

A big thanks to Josh Adams and The DailyDrip team who are disrupting the web with amazing content about programming, especially Elixira

The Creator

Brazillian, José Valim, co-founder of Plataformatec.


-An Interview with Elixir Creator José Valim

The Language


Why Elixir




mix is a build tool for creating, compiling and testing Elixir project's. If you come from a ruby background, this is like rake.
