
Check-In from PWA is not saved

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Information about bug

The check-in's which were done over the PWA are all unsaved. As long as they are not saved the auto-attendance is not working.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-07 um 22 59 03




ERPNext: v15.10.3
Frappe Framework: v15.10.0
Frappe HR: v15.9.1

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If you can see the record it means its created successfully. But I don’t see a shift fetched for the record at this time. Do you have an active shift assignment or default shift for this date?

also share your shift type configurations

Okay. It was a misunderstanding. Now it works. I thougth it is also fetching Check-In/out if the shift was created later and if I click on "Mark Attendance" - this was not working. For the check-ins this morning with the set up default shift it works.