
Payment Days calculations are wrong on V15

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Information about bug


In Frappe V 15 HRMS we found that there some calculation errors in working days and payment days in HRMS.

We have 3 scenarios in calculating working days 1) Do Not Include
holidays in Total no. of Working Days 2)
Include holidays in Total no. of Working Days and 3)Consider Marked Attendance on Holidays

If we use 1st option then if the person works all the days including holidays then the person should get additional payment. However in V15 it is not calculating for additional working days. Which was calculating in earlier versions eg V14.




ERPNext: v15.20.6 (version-15)
Frappe HR: v15.19.0 (version-15)

Installation method

manual install

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Here is the scenario.

If a person Works all the days in a month including Holidays, Then the person has to get additional payment for working on holidays. For example. There are 30 days in April Month in which 4 holidays(Sundays) are there. As per payroll settings Do Not Include holidays in Total no. of Working Days the working days will be 26 and Payment days will be 30 however the system is calculating working days as 30 and payment days as 30 and not considering any additional payment for working on holidays.

Attached Screen-shots for your reference.


This is not the ideal case in V14 . In V 14 we used to get additional payment for working days on holidays.