

Opened this issue · 2 comments

  • Intellisense for frappe.db.* methods (#1 (comment))
  • Show SQL query when hovering over frappe.db.get_all
  • Update doctype info in frappe-intellisense.json when doctypes are created/updated/deleted
  • Doctype name auto completion in places where doctype name is passed, for e.g., frappe.get_doc('
  • Frappe Debugger configuration

Intellisense for frappe.db.* methods

not required anymore. Ref: frappe/frappe#12824

Some more ideas:

  • Specifying which tests to run from GUI. Removes the need to type the exact module path.

One more:

  • add type info based on docfield type (ref: frappe/erpnext#30199 ) should be easy to do ig, just need to maintain DB->python type mappings somewhere.