
Feature Request- automatically print completion (or any message).

Closed this issue · 3 comments

After print completion, how could I have the slack message automatically printout on paper with whatever printer is setup on slack? Slightly inspired by: (Where this printer will print out your tweets).


Or.. link to HP BOT and have it print automatically instead of clicking print.

Implementing this is getting really close to jwz's law.

Hi @diyengineer

There are two ways to approach this:

  1. A slack app/bot which receives the messages sent to the channel and prints them out for you. The bidirecitional websocket approach ( - feel free to poke around the Octoslack surce for "RTM"

  2. A modification to Octoslack itself to execute a shell command with the event text and that shell command could print your the text for you.

#2 is actually a roadmap item for Octoslack, or at least the functionality to call out to a shell program is.

I'm going to close it this issue for now was this isn't functionality I think should be directly added to Octoslack. If something like #2 seems interesting to you, feel free to open a new issue with that enhancement request.