
AttributeError: pillPhot instance has no attribute 'l1'

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Going through the tutorial I'm getting this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 112, in
File "/Users/mschwamb/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/trippy/", line 149, in call
AttributeError: pillPhot instance has no attribute 'l1'

I did a trippy pip install update and the error still occurs

The steps I'm taking are in this python file

I did a trippy

That should not exist if you are on the most recent trippy. Can you get me a version number?

i don't know since when I wrote out for the version that doesn't work. I've been using pip install trippy --upgrade so In thought that she be enough, but somehow doing it again has screwed up my anaconda install and I had to reinstall all of that. After that it seems fine.

Could there be an issue with the pip install --upgrade?

Now after removing everything I get it to give me the same results without the error.

Can you provide all of the steps you do to get to this error? You're the only one getting it, and it was a bug in an older version, so I am surprised to see it.

The steps I'm taking are in this python file

I uninstalled trippy with pip uninstall trippy because I had the test server version.

So since I assumed the dependencies were still installed I did a pip install trippy.

Then it gave me that weird result after I did a trippy install trippy --upgrade

Doing that again, broke my matplotlib. So I did a complete fresh install of anaconda, and then when through your installation instructions step by step again

I have no idea what's wrong. Can you do a print trippy.version please?

And that was supposed to be double underscore version double underscore. Markdown is changing it.

Doing the complete fresh install of anaconda and then full reinstall seems to have fixed it and I don't get this error. I don't get why doing an upgrade what caused any issues

0.2.5 is the version I have running now
