Mitsubishi Models Ignoring Parameters and Temperature Step
Opened this issue · 7 comments
Hi @frawau,
First of all, thank you so much for your work on pyhvac! I've been searching for projects like this that help convert IRremoteESP8266 raw codes to Broadlink format, and this project has been incredibly helpful.
However, I've run into an issue when using the gaccode
command with Mitsubishi models, specifically with the "PAR-FA32MA remote." The command generates the same IR code regardless of the temperature, fan speed, or mode settings, which appears to indicate that the given parameters are being ignored.
Steps to Reproduce:
gaccode -c "mitsubishi electric" -M "PAR-FA32MA remote" -B -t 25 -f low -m cool
gaccode -c "mitsubishi electric" -M "PAR-FA32MA remote" -B -t 20 -f low -m cool
gaccode -c "mitsubishi electric" -M "PAR-FA32MA remote" -B -t 18 -f low -m cool
gaccode -c "mitsubishi electric" -M "PAR-FA32MA remote" -B -t 18 -f low -m auto
gaccode -c "mitsubishi electric" -M "PAR-FA32MA remote" -B -t 18 -f high -m auto
In all cases, the generated IR codes are identical.
Additionally, I noticed that Mitsubishi has a temperature step of 0.5°C, but the temperature argument only accepts integers. I am interested in using half-degree temperatures as well.
Could you please look into this and help with a solution?
Thanks again for your fantastic work on this project!
Hi, glad you like it.
For using 0.5°C steps, it is trivial. Replace "int" by "float" for the temperature parameter in __main__py
For the other bit... it will take a bit longer... I don't have much time right now, but I will have a look at it when I do.
Thanks for your quick response.
For using 0.5°C steps, it is trivial. Replace "int" by "float" for the temperature parameter in __main__py
Yeah, I figured that out, and tried it already, but I mentioned it to include it in your next version 😉
For the other bit... it will take a bit longer... I don't have much time right now, but I will have a look at it when I do.
I was really hopping you could take a look quickly, as I've been fighting to find those half temperatures, unfortunately, I couldn't find any remote so far that provides that, hence why I was glad to find your library.
I'm not a python developer, but I'll try my best. Any indication that can help me resolve the issue ?
traveling for work, no time yet, sorry
This is happening me too with at least bosch and coolix manufacturers
I am looking at it.
I checked that with gaccode for LG and AKB75215403 I get the same code but with gclg I get different codes....
Found some issues.... essentially a silly bug. Pushed the changes please build and test.