
There is no content on heap memory

ajubin opened this issue · 3 comments

ajubin commented


I really like this book and recommend it frequently.
Few months ago I had to handle a memory leak so I looked at this topic but there was no content in this book.

It could be interessting to add some stuff

Hello 👋

Hmm I have to look into this, I remember reading quite few cool articles on the subject.

I known @vdeturckheim has some experience on the area, he also made a talk Finding memory leaks and CPU bottlenecks with Node.js debug tools. Maybe he can recommand few resources on the subject?

There is also the official Node.js guide about --trace-gc made by @tony-go (He made some good videos that are in the french version).

Hey @ajubin ^^

I think that the links @fraxken shared are good.

I could add this one:

You can find a lot of materials regarding diagnosis to look at and even open an issue if you find any improvement areas.