
Error: Could not add bulk redirect panel

andyhoman opened this issue · 7 comments

Hey Jason, just thought I'd let you know it looks like the bulk redirect panel is failing to load. May be due to the recent admin panel changes. Anyway just a heads up.

Hey Andy,

Is there any errors shown when you find the panel not loading? I did a quick (single browser) test here and I could see the redirect panel aok:

As a side note it looks like I've got a minor typo in the instructions so I'm going to fix up right now. It should not be /old-url,pages/new-url but rather /old-url,/pages/new-url

Hrm that's odd. Yep, I'm getting the following error when I try load FD on the /admin/redirects page.


I tried using the bookmarklet as well as the Chrome extension.

Testing (and thanks to @andyhoman) shows this can happen when the store does not have any redirects in place. The DOM insertion point is missing when there is no existing redirects.

Totally a bug that needs squishing.

Hey Jason, this may or may not be related to the above or the subsequent fix but it appears that bulk URL redirects are no longer working again — at least not for me — though it's entirely likely I'm "not doing it right".

When attempting to add a new simple one line redirect (/about-us, pages/about-us) nothing displays in the activity log and I get the following errors:


Just to follow up on this I'm thinking it has to do with the same cross domain issues that are preventing this from working too?

FYI I manage to get the above solution to work for me by using the solution outlined in the comments.

Hey @andyhoman - thanks for the issue report. Let me dig into it and make sure it's not a bug introduced in the last update.

An update has been made to the code to better handle the url string. This structure used in the example (within the tool) is incorrect. /about-us,'pages/about-us should be /about-us,/pages/about-us. I've added some basic checks to add to preceding slash if needed, along with some whitespace trimming.

All tests checked out here, but we can open this one again if needed.