
Cannot be build with stack

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When putting this package into my stack.yaml as a extra-deps I'm getting the following error: ": error:
Could not find module ‘Yesod.Auth.OAuth2.GitHub’
It is not a module in the current program, or in any known package.

Did you also add yesod-auth-oauth2 as a dependency in package.yaml (or {project}.cabal)? Having it in extra-deps makes it available, but you still need to list it as a dependency in your project.

Closing as unable to reproduce. Happy to still follow up and figure out why it's not working for you, but the project indeed builds fine AFAICT, so I suspect it's something else going on.

% cat stack.yaml
resolver: lts-12.14
  - .
  - yesod-auth-oauth2-
  # required as transitive through yesod-auth-oauth2
  - hoauth2-1.7.2
  - uri-bytestring-aeson-

# needed because hoauth2 requires exceptions < 0.10
allow-newer: true
% grep -A 3 '^dependencies:' package.yaml
- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- yesod-auth-oauth2
% grep import src/Lib.hs
import Yesod.Auth.OAuth2.GitHub
% stack build; echo $?
WARNING: Ignoring out of range dependency (allow-newer enabled): exceptions-0.10.0. hoauth2 requires: >=0.8.3 && <0.10