
Example of an authenticated gRPC & grpc-gateway HTTP server, and various client connection examples.

Primary LanguageGo


Example of an authenticated gRPC & grpc-gateway HTTP server, and various client connection examples.

Setting up

  1. Install Go 1.13 from https://golang.org/
  2. Run make compile to compile the server & client code.

Running the server

All the following make targets run a gRPC server on port 8000, and a HTTP server on port 8080, both backed by the same ExampleServer instance. Access to both APIs is protected by bearer token authentication, and optionally by mTLS authentication.

  1. make run-server uses service decoration for HTTP & gRPC authentication.

  2. make run-server-mw uses HTTP & gRPC middleware for authentication.

  3. make run-server-mtls enables mTLS authentication for both HTTP & gRPC APIs.

  4. make run-server-ref also enables gRPC server reflection to make it easier to test & introspect gRPC APIs.

Running the clients

  1. make run-client runs a gRPC client that sends a token-authenticated request to the gRPC endpoint.

  2. make run-client-alice runs a gRPC client that sends a mTLS request to the gRPC endpoint using Alice's certificate & key. It will only work with make run-server-mtls since it requires the server to process the client certificate.

  3. make run-client-bob runs a gRPC client that sends a mTLS request to the gRPC endpoint using Bob's certificate & key. It will only work with make run-server-mtls since it requires the server to process the client certificate.

  4. make run-curl invokes curl to send a token-authenticated request to the HTTP server.

  5. make run-curl-alice invokes curl to send a mTLS request to the HTTP server using Alice's certificate & key. It will only work with make run-server-mtls since it requires the server to process the client certificate.

  6. make run-curl-bob invokes curl to send a mTLS request to the HTTP server using Bob's certificate & key. It will only work with make run-server-mtls since it requires the server to process the client certificate.

  7. make run-grpcurl invokes grpcurl to send a token-authenticated request to the gRPC server. This target uses .proto source files to understand the RPC schema used for requests & responses.

  8. make run-grpcurl-ref invokes grpcurl to send a token-authenticated request to the gRPC server. This target uses gRPC server reflection to understand the RPC schema used for requests & responses, and as such will only work with make run-server-ref.

  9. make run-grpcurl-alice invokes grpcurl to send a mTLS request to the gRPC server using Alice's certificate & key. It will only work with make run-server-ref since it requires gRPC server reflection and for the server to process the client certificate.

  10. make run-grpcurl-bob invokes grpcurl to send a mTLS request to the gRPC server using Bob's certificate & key. It will only work with make run-server-ref since it requires gRPC server reflection and for the server to process the client certificate.

Compiling service.proto

If you make any changes to the service.proto file you will need to update the generated gRPC and gateway code.

  1. Install protoc, either from the official repository at https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases, or by running brew install protobuf if you are on osx.
  2. Use go get to download the following packages:
    go get -u github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-grpc-gateway
    go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
  3. Run make genproto from the root of this project's directory.