
Allowing click-web to safely process uploaded files

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Thank you for this repo. In this issue it is mentioned that "Providing a text input [to click-web] would not work unless you are on the same machine and it would be a dangerous vulnerability if you can make scripts process any folder on the server from the web." Is there a recommended way to safely allow the uploading and processing of files such as images using click-web?


Your welcome,
Yes there certainly is, take a look at an example:

That command expects the file to be text as it just uppercases all letters in the file and returns the result to download.
But it could just as easily be a file of any type (like an image).
What I was referring to as a security risk would be to create a command that treats a text field as a path to a file on the server where it runs. That way anyone could point it to a sensitive file such as "/etc/passwd" and make the command process it instead requiring uploading the file (or files in a zip) that you want to process.

@fredrik-corneliusson Oh that makes perfect sense, thank you for the response!