
Wheels can't be downloaded

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hi @fredrikaverpil, I'm using your wheels to test a project with PySide2, but it seems you updated them today (or in the last few days) and now they can't be downloaded.

For example, try this link:

and it will redirect you to a forbidden page.

Yes, for some reason, a rate limit went into effect over at Bintray. Not sure what could've triggered that. I've emailed them.


In the meanwhile, you can build the wheel locally using the docker build and docker run commands outlined in each platform's markdown file.

This seems to be resolved now. I can download files again. Would recommend closing this issue unless others are still having problems.

@fredrikaverpil, what was the problem?

I'm still waiting for feedback on exactly what triggered this, but it seems like I reached the 10GB storage limit. Closing this for now. I'll report back with more info as I know more.