
Update takes long time

sashokbg opened this issue · 2 comments

I am updating my runtime variable with following command:

gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set var "value" --is-text --config-name global

When I check the provided direct URL I can see that the variable is well updated in google cloud.

Unfortunately when I call my function the variable keeps its old value and takes as long as 15 minutes to get updated.

const runtimeConfig = require('cloud-functions-runtime-config');
const environment = runtimeConfig.getVariable('global', 'var');

exports.helloWorld = (req, res) => {
			.then((val) => res.status(200).send(`Var is ${val}`))
			.catch((err) => res.status(500).send(`Problem resolving var: ${err}`));

Try this:

const runtimeConfig = require('cloud-functions-runtime-config');

exports.helloWorld = (req, res) => {
    return runtimeConfig.getVariable('global', 'var')
        .then((val) => res.status(200).send(`Var is ${val}`))
        .catch((err) => res.status(500).send(`Problem resolving var: ${err}`));

The difference is that this example does a lookup at the time of invocation instead of during the creation of a new function instance. GCP may reuse function instances, that's why we might see the same value for a while when we do the lookup in global scope.

@DazWilkin has written a great article that explains the different scopes here.

It was precisely that ! Sorry for the false alert :)