
Bitwig 4.3 doesn't check CLAP_NOTE_DIALECT

signaldust opened this issue · 6 comments

Bitwig checks note_port->count, but never calls note_port->get (to check what dialects the plugin is willing to support) and simply assumes NOTE_DIALECT_CLAP, sending note-on/note-off messages, so plugins (such as wrapped legacy plugins) that only accept MIDI won't work. Not a huge deal to also accept note-on/note-off, but it still seems like a bug.

@baconpaul confirmed here:

abique commented

5.1 will now check the supported note dialect.

if the clap one is support it'll use it, then it'll look for midi mpe and finally midi.

Fantastic. Curious: will it support MIDI2?

abique commented

Fantastic. Curious: will it support MIDI2?

Possibly in the future.

Out of curiosity, if you advertise that you support clap but prefer MIDI1 will you ignore the preference? This isn't a problem if you do but i was wondering.

Bitwig will take what works best for Bitwig.
The clap note dialect give us precise note tuning, which isn't the case with midi or mpe.

I close, please re-open if this isn't fixed for you.