
SHA-1 Password Cracker (Certification Project)

beaucarnes opened this issue ยท 9 comments

Create project from the Python information security certification.

Probably a Typo in the 3rd Paragraph of the Description
I assume this
'NOT of a password in the database, return "NOT IN DATABASE".'
should be this
'NOT of a password in the database, return "PASSWORD NOT IN DATABASE".'
with reference to given test cases.

Yes, @RaviTejaCMS has already discussed the typo in the readme. And one more input from me to provide a link that can be read by the user regarding the use of the hashlib.

I really liked this project ๐Ÿ‘ , great job.
It's simple, yet teaches some valuable background information about password security.

I agree with @ArieRS. The only confusing part for me was using the hashlib library. So the docs can provide some pointer or a link to a good explanation on its usage.

Thank you for catching that typo @RaviTejaCMS. We will definitely update that before launching. Also, good call on including a link to hashlib in the README. It's worth mentioning there since it's imported into by default.

@ArieRS & @adamdune:
Thanks for the suggestions. I implemented them in the code.

Awesome project, I liked very much. Here is the link to my fork.

I noticed the tests fail when the function calls are chained, like

hashed_word = hashlib.sha1(word.rstrip().encode())

Instead, I needed to split the calls in 2 lines.

word = word.rstrip()
hashed_word = hashlib.sha1(word.encode())

Thanks for your feeback @jdelarubia.

I took a look at your solution and agree -- it is a bit strange that you can't chain .encode() to .rstrip(). As far as I can tell, strings in Python are immutable, so string methods should return a new string.

Not sure why your original code doesn't work. Glad you were able to find a solution in the end.

Hi there!

This project was very interesting and good fun. Instructions and the help link were useful and clear. I didnยดt find any misunderstanding or problem to solve it.

Solution code below: