
Cat and Dog Image Classifier (Certification Project)

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Create project from the Python machine learning certification.

I completed this project and it took me about 3 hrs. I was stuck at the test_data_gen in the beginning and rest went smoothly. It was a nice practice for me as I recently learned CNN and TensorFlow.I suggest some corrections/improvements:-

3)mention at the begening if we can tweak values of epochs,batch size,etc
4)give some hint at the begining for test_data_gen like for example: (hint:-observe the directory structure)

@chakradhar123, thanks for catching those typos! We'll go in and fix them as soon as possible.

Your third and fourth points might make things a bit more clear for people working through this project. What do you think @beaucarnes?

@chakradhar123 Thanks for your input. I have updated the project to include all of your suggestions.