
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/runner/boilerplate-mean-variance-standard-deviation-calculator-1/", line 18, in test_calculate_with_few_digits self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "List must contain nine numbers.", mean_var_std.calculate, [2,6,2,8,4,0,1,]) AssertionError: ValueError not raised by calculate

Closed this issue · 1 comments

import numpy as np

def calculate(list):
if len(list) != 9:
return 'ValueError, '
x = np.array(list).reshape(3,3)
result = {
for ax in [0,1,None]]
for (k,func)
in zip(["mean", "variance", "standard deviation", "max", "min", "sum"],
[np.mean, np.var, np.std, np.max, np.min, np.sum])
return result

gikf commented

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