
chore: add lab for chat bot(JS only)

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The first few labs in the JS section will be JavaScript only and short.
The preceding workshops will also be short and only teach a few concepts.
This is to ensure the campers really grasp the fundamentals before moving onto harder concepts.

Here is the first JS workshop:

We need a lab that will immediately following that.

Here is what the campers will know so far:

  • let
  • const
  • assignment
  • reassignment
  • basic string usage
  • console.log
  • camelCase

My suggestion would be to have campers create something similar to the workshop in this lab.
It could be another bot that talks to the user.

Maybe the bot will tell the user facts about freeCodeCamp
Maybe the bot will tell the user facts about JavaScript
Maybe the bot will tell a story instead.
Or maybe the bot will just have another random conversation with the user like in the workshop.

Acceptance criteria

  • create a new folder of the project in the frontend-cert/js-projects directory
  • add your completed project in an script.js file in that new folder
  • create a markdown file for your proposed user stories. You should call it and place it in your new project folder