
chore: add random number generator lab to frontend cert(JS only)

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Creating random numbers comes up a lot in the current beta JS curriculum and campers are still struggling with it.
So we will have a workshop teaching the Math object and we will have a lab all about random numbers.
There will also be lectures too and quiz questions to make sure they really understand the material this time around.

Here is the intro to numbers and Math object JS workshop:

We need a random number generator lab that will immediately follow that.

Here is what the campers will know so far:

  • let
  • const
  • assignment
  • reassignment
  • basic string usage
  • console.log
  • camelCase
  • string concatenation using the + operator
  • template literals
  • str.length property
  • bracket notation and retrieving characters from strings
  • str.indexOf method
  • if/else
  • Number()
  • Math.floor
  • Math.random
  • getting a random number from a range
  • prompt()
  • ===

Acceptance criteria

  • create a new folder of the project in the frontend-cert/js-projects directory
  • add your completed project in an script.js file in that new folder
  • create a markdown file for your proposed user stories. You should call it and place it in your new project folder