
chore: add second functions lab to frontend cert (JS only)

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Functions are a topic that confuse a lot of campers.
So we should have extra labs for this

The previous workshop and lecture videos will teach campers about functions.

Here is what they will know so far.

  • let
  • const
  • assignment
  • reassignment
  • basic string usage
  • console.log
  • camelCase
  • string concatenation using the + operator
  • template literals
  • str.length property
  • bracket notation and retrieving characters from strings
  • str.indexOf method
  • Number()
  • Math.floor
  • Math.random
  • getting a random number from a range
  • prompt()
  • ===
  • if/else if/else
  • true and false (truthy and falsey)
  • comparison operators(< >=)
  • logical operators (|| &&)
  • array basics
  • push
  • pop
  • shift
  • unshift
  • basic object usage
  • for loop
  • for of loop
  • do/while loop
  • while loop
  • forEach loop
  • regular functions
  • arrow functions

Acceptance criteria

  • create a new folder of the project in the frontend-cert/js-projects directory
  • add your completed project in an script.js file in that new folder
  • create a markdown file for your proposed user stories. You should call it and place it in your new project folder