
Instances Tags and search bar filtering

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We had Event Tags in the past, that were used to give visual indication for a user. We can add them back, but they won't be only for events, but the whole instances. So here is my plan:

  • Create a schema for tags for the instances.
  • Create a page in the dashboard that allow for tags to be added to the database.
  • Create the permission to see the page, it should only be for the owner.
  • Let the instance owner create whatever tags they want, i.e "front-end", "back-end".
  • Let the administrators/owners add tags to /chapter or to /event.
  • Add ability to filter based on the tags for the users.

We can later create array for chapter tags or array for events tags, but for now we can make simple and add more later.

It looks like the event_tags are still part of the schema and it references the tags table.

Is the suggestion to add a chapter_tags table?

I thought that I fully removed it.

I want to add instances_tags, that can be used to filter the chapters or the events.

Maybe used in future feature as well

gikf commented

I'm wondering if it's necessary to limit tags only to list added by instance owner. More flexible would be similar approach as it was before - missing tags would be added when creating event.

Necessary, maybe not. To be honest, I am leaving permission for you and Oliver 🤣.

I wonder if Chapter and Venue Tags can be altered by the administrator, too.

I had the original idea that instances_tags will have everything, then it cascade to chapter_tags, events_tags, and venue_tags. But it looks like it's better to create 3 different entry for tags 🤔